Our management approach is two-pronged, focusing on mitigation and adaptation. Firstly, we are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with scientific targets. This involves setting and implementing ambitious goals, innovating our operations and supply chains, and reporting publicly on our emissions.
Secondly, we’re developing resilience to manage climate-related risks in our operations. This includes collecting and assessing operational data, advancing our understanding of blue carbon ecosystem conservation and restoration, and leveraging financial instruments to support transformation.
Sustainable Development Goal 14: conserve and sustainable use use of the oceans, seas and marine resources
Climate change represents an existential challenge to humanity, with once-distant projections increasingly becoming a reality. In mid-2023, for instance, nearly half the ocean’s surface area was experiencing marine heatwave conditions, and sea surface temperature spiked to unprecedented levels around the world (see Figure), exacerbating climate change impacts on fisheries and aquaculture production. The IPCC has estimated that more than 99% of the world’s coral reefs would not recover from 1.5 degrees of warming above pre-industrial levels, an alarming prospect given 25% of ocean biodiversity depends on coral reefs during some stage of their life cycle and current emissions reduction policies are expected to result in 3.2 degrees of warming by 2100. Immediate and dramatic reductions are thus urgently needed (see Figure).
Although the greenhouse gas emissions of SeaBOS members do not represent much at the global level, combined action and substantial emission reductions represent a strong signal to the sector and beyond. All corporations in 2023 should have a public climate target, preferably a science-based target, and consistently report on their Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions. Leading efforts to standardize reporting methodologies in
the seafood sector will contribute to broader action, while investment in the development of green technologies remains crucial. Collaboration with scientists to understand how climate risk translates into financial risk can help mainstream climate risk reduction into fisheries and aquaculture management.
All SeaBOS companies have established a climate target, of which five are in accordance with the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi). Acknowledging the challenge in reducing especially scope 3 emissions, SeaBOS is focusing on aligning efforts across the industry and developing GHG accounting standards that enables adequate measurement of emissions and joint efforts through the supply chain to invest in reduction measures.
Together with the UN Global Compact and World Wildlife Fund (WWF), SeaBOS has developed a guide for how to set science-based climate targets in the seafood sector, to guide other seafood companies and encourage climate action. The guide is available here.